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production since 2009 that included national recording artists Kirk Whalum and Shirley Murdock, as well as a 100-Voice community choir and full band. He is scheduled for Jersey Boys and Wicked (2012) Cast Parties and is currently the Music Director of The Dayton Contemporary Dance Company (DCDC) In the Spirit Of. Bell also has performed for The Blue Man Group, Lion King, and Young Frankenstein Cast Parties at the Shuster Performing Arts Center. Chapter Choir) and The Dayton Philharmonic Orchestra, formerly directed by Isaiah Jackson. Gospel producer on the project Bell has also performed on drums with the GMWA (Dayton, OH. and Canton Is the real deal he know his stuff he could go all the way., Canton Jones is the move of some of the youth today in church there has and will always be a radical movement an army of real fighters for Christ they have a unquenchable fire that burns and in my eyes they are a secret weapon because words are powerful but the way you say them changes the whole picture of how it's perceived and sometimes we need someone speaking certain things into the atmosphere a certain way for it to take affect or even grab the ears of some people. Bobby Jones and Ray Charles, as well as performing at high profile events such as the opening ceremony of the 1996 Olympic Games and at the first gospel concert ever held at the US Pentagon. The club performed for celebrities such as Oprah Winfrey, Stevie Wonder, Dr. He relocated to Atlanta, Georgia where he attended Morehouse College joining the school's renowned Glee Club. By the age of 16, he was writing and producing songs for friends in his hometown. Who began singing at the age of 5 in a vocal group, founded by his father.

For our tentative host / judges slots We Have Who are you looking at for the Judges? Well for The AnR Gospel, We have an Abundance of Interest. We have guest judge spots and entertainment spots at the end. Artist could get a chance to write for artist who like their songwriting style, as well as getting a collab. There are different types of deals on the table, we also have included the songwriting for brands who are looking for new material. It’s the new way to scout talent, artist who have a gift to write, sing and give a show stopping performance could walk away with a real contract record deal. We have invited every record company worldwide to participate in the show. What can we expect from the show? Well you can expect to be on the edge of your seat because record deals can come at any time on the show. AI asked her a few questions while she shared her story. We took the time to speak with the creator of the project Gail AnR Smiley, from Ohio has one of the most talked about pilot shows on the market. The show host a list of Gospel entertainers and top na me entertainment. Atlanta I Spy has been keeping an eye on a new upcoming Double pilot show called THE AnR REVIEW and The A&aR Gospel Review. The city and surrounding cities of Atlanta are in for a big economy boost form the entertainment industry.

who knows we will have to wait and see wont we.Ītlanta is tuning up to be the next black Hollywood with building of the new stadium and the new Falcons stadium coming soon and producers in Atlanta landing top contracts in shows and movies. I sure would like to see Eminem & Aretha Gladys, or Patti maybe they will be guest judges. I gotta admit It, would be nice to see Ice in this capacity along with LL Cool J i think it could be the next big talent reality show. Leave it to LL Cool J & Ice Cube to be the ones to find a diamond in the rough.

Rumors are the new pen princess has quite a few bright ideas that will be before network officials soon. and the story's she had to tell about her journey are priceless. Once she found out she had a hit on her hands. i heard about the unorthodox way the pilot was revealed and how the creator refused to give up. we at AIS think its gonna blow and the gospel one too. The creator Gail A&R Smiley is a real go getter a average everyday Jane, who created what may be the next big thing, rumors say they are shopping a producer/ director. We don't know who will be the judge this show has some heavy hitters including ICE CUBE, one things for sure this will be a highly rated show.