Even if some games might seem more rushed or poorly-written compared to others, Telltale Games presented a series of unforgettable titles to its audience. Despite its issues, Telltale remains an icon of modern character-based adventure games. Nearly a year after its closure in 2018, due to some financial troubles, Telltale Games was acquired by LCG Entertainment, another American video game publisher based in California.

Related: Batman: The Enemy Within - Episode 1: The Enigma (Chapter 1) Walkthrough In fact, there are also different interactive experiences, like point-and-click puzzle adventures, and standalone games instead of the usual episodic structure. Not every Telltale game has choice-driven narratives, though.

Telltale Games' brand is usually associated with interactive storytelling, a format that turns games immersive experiences by giving the players the possibility to make choices in the plot. Telltale worked hard to produce content that stood apart from many other video game companies, and most of their titles heavily rely on the players’ choices. Below are some of the best and worst Telltale games, something which will hopefully provide players with an idea about which titles are worth checking out and the ones to skip. Telltale Games is an American video game publisher, mostly known for its episodic series such as The Walking Dead and The Wolf Among Us.